• Luke 6:38

CCC School Project

CCC School Ministry began in 2002 when Bessie was on a visit to the farming village of Jauri (Howdy) 3 miles from CCC. The school was being held in a 2-room termite-controlled wooden building, with some children still outside. The mandate is; children must be in uniform to be admitted. She quickly took 6 children to town and purchased uniforms, shoes, and necessary school supplies. Bessie has always said; 'The key from poverty is education'.

The government built a block school in 2005 with three rooms and bathrooms, also a kitchen facility. The school provides lunch for the children. The children go in two sessions each day, 7-12 and 12-4. Each year the number of children wanting to go to school grew, she began looking for funds from friends in the USA to help the poor children go to school. This ministry began growing as donations from the states came and with the help from Sandra and the Jaurri Church.

The number as of now reaches about 150 students, including high school (only 10% go to high school) and only about 3% of that graduate. The year of 2019 was a proud year when 3 students she had helped from the first grade graduated from high school.

The Jauri School continues to grow, as does the need to 'keep the children in school'. The mandate remains the same, standard uniform of white shirt or blouse, navy blue pants or skirt, navy blue socks, and black shoes. The children do not have textbooks, all material taught is put on the chalkboard by the teacher to be copied in notebooks for each subject.

Bessie provides notebooks, pencils, rulers, a pencil sharpener, an eraser, glue, and colored pencils. The cost has increased over the years from the first few to the now 150 children, this ministry has grown over and beyond anything expected.

Any amount of help would be greatly appreciated by these children. A check marked school or uniforms will be used 100% for this ministry. The cost to help one child is $75.00. 'The Key from poverty is education'. You can help change the lives of these children with your gift!

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